NoAs Project
72 members
Hi! Welcome to No Asshole Project.
Fastest growing WOMEN ONLY education & support group♥️
Don't ARGUE or FIGHT w/ Narc or Toxic Guy — JOIN THIS GROUP INSTEAD to get help & answers.
Learn to deal w/ toxic, sabotaging, narc, misogynist men.
Empathy, support & real answers — from women going thru & overcoming same as you.
Shame-free & judgement-free. We understand you.
Click "Join Group" button.
For You If:
✅Want safe peer-to-peer help — to be heard, understood & get answers
✅Feel shame, overwhelmed, trapped
✅Need to heal — or an escape plan
✅Not "just that easy to leave." You need job — have kids — want to "keep it together"
✅Don't want to hear "why are you still there?" — from people who don't get it
✅Struggling w/ energy & focus bcz of toxic person
✅Be more effective & less reactive. How to best handle jerks
✅Tired of "Mr. Wrong." You want partner to treat you w/ love & respect
✅Increase your confidence
✅Learn how narcs think
✅Weed out toxic people — who waste your time & drain you
NoAs Project
No Asshole Project is #1 Group for Women. How to deal w/ difficult, sabotaging & narc men. Safe, empathy, support, real answers. Create beautiful life
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