Multifamily Off-Market Club
Private group
520 members
Welcome to the Multifaily Off-Market Club where we teach you how to find, source, and win off-market opportunities, whether you are an investor or real estate agent or broker...
In this community we will provide you with free resources and training to help you navigate the coming recession and get or stay top of mind with owners, and build relationships with investors/buyers so you have options when you find an opportunity that may or may not work for you...
We will also provide training on:
  • Underwriting
  • Market Analysis
  • Due Diligence
  • Raising Capital
  • Marketing
  • And more...
We look forward to helping you on this journey and watching you reach your real estate goals...
Multifamily Off-Market Club
Welcome to the Multifamily Off-Market Club where we teach you how to find, source, and win off-market opportunities as an investor or broker...
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