MTR Arbitrage
51 members
If you are ready to dive into the world of Mid-Term Rental (MTR) Arbitrage or anything MTR, you've come to the right place!
I currently manage four MTRs, two that we own and two that we arbitrage. We also have two more arbitrage properties going live in the next month, with plans to 10X this business this year! I felt it was worth starting a community to share all the wins, obstacles, tips, resources, and progress of scaling a MTR Arbitrage business with like-minded people in the space or others that are considering taking a leap into the MTR arbitrage business!
What you will find inside:
  • Weekly Q&A/Ask Me Anything Zooms
  • Tips on how to find your first or next arbitrage
  • Scripts and guidance on pitching MTR arbitrage
  • Design and furnishing your MTR ideas and tips
  • Building a rockstar team to allow you to scale/work on the business ideas
  • Where to list your MTR to set you up for success and lead generation
  • So much more!
MTR Arbitrage
Let's grow our MTR Arbitrage businesses together!
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