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[New] “Steal My Algorithms” Social Circle Shortcut
Who would get the girl in this situation? - Man with Ferrari and a 6-pack - Man with a regular 9-5 and a Toyota Corolla The truth is… That’s a trick question (I know, I know – cheesy). What I didn’t mention is the regular 9-5 guy STOLE my “algorithms”... And is running circles around the rich hunk. But why would an average dude steal the wealthy guy’s girl? Because your looks and money DON’T matter when attracting women… Your “operating system” does. Most men don’t realize… But their inner “algorithms” (which everyone has)... Are actually REPELLING women… Even if you don’t know it. This is how you’ll see the bald, overweight guy in Old Navy clothing walking down the street with an absolute 10. And because I know how CRITICAL inner algorithms are for building high-status social circles… I’ve spent 25+ years developing MY algorithms… Which works on auto-pilot… And allows me to attract any girl I want (college girls, goth girls, etc). And I can install these hidden algorithms for you in “Steal My Algorithms.” Here’s a breakdown of what’s inside “Steal My Algorithms”: ✅ The Abundance Algorithm: How I created “too much” social and monetary wealth in life ✅ The Suspension Algorithm: How I compress 20 years into 2 weeks ✅ The FOMO Algorithm: How I generate massive attraction in just a few clicks ✅ The Easy-Mode Algorithm: How I set my dating life to the easiest difficulty level (and still date models) ✅ The Pressure-Cooker Algorithm: How I went from a total loser to a celebrity networker ✅ The Mastermind Algorithm: How I create a personal mastermind group of A-Players ✅ The Personal-Monopoly Algorithm: How I created my personal “fun monopoly” all over the world ✅ The Shortcut Algorithm: How I cut corners and level up faster than anyone ✅ The Headmaster Algorithm: How I invest my money for massive returns ✅ The Handshake Algorithm: How I network to grow my business For less than a Starbucks… You can install my internal systems… That has led me to date Playboy models 10 points out of my league…
New comment 7d ago
New Members - Start Here! [Required Reading]
Welcome to Men of Action Forum - A community for learning high-status networking hosted by Michael Sartain. ➡️ All new members must read and understand the community guidelines: ➡️ Introduce yourself here: ➡️ Read the "Social Circle Manifesto." It explains Men of Action's philosophy: ➡️ Complete "High Status Networking 101" for the first four steps of the Men of Action: ➡️ Check out "MOA Community News 🚨" for the latest from Michael and the Men of Action team: P.S. - Interested in earning extra money online? Join MOA's affiliate program!
New comment 1d ago
Need feedback for a Instagram post
Hi guys I need some feedback about this shoot I did last week. Can you guys recommend me what pics should I post or at least 2 pics?
New comment 1h ago
Need feedback for a Instagram post
Mini porn star
I am going to make an only fans account and start posting sex videos on there. And turn my apartment into a only fan studio. Before I get started, does anyone have any advice on how I can find other only fans girls to shoot contact with that will promote me or anything else
New comment 3h ago
We Are Not The Same
Women sleep with the men they choose; men sleep with the women they are allowed access to. BUT, Remember this. Men marry the women they desire; women marry the men they can keep. Men and women are not the same, women choose who fucks, men choose who they get down on one knee for. Most women have to settle once their SMV decays, and as a man's SMV ascends, the power of choice becomes his. Never settle gentlemen, if you become that guy, you are the Prize.
New comment 3h ago
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