May '22 in Domains
The Great Domain Name Hunt (1998)
If you are struggling today to find the perfect domain but settled on the next best thing, you may find you are not so different from domain hunters searching in the late nineties.
In 1998, Peter H. Lewis, published an article in the NY Times, "The Great Domain Name Hunt", implying that the best domain names were getting too expensive, going fast, or already gone! He considered the radical idea of tracking down the perfect domain even if it meant using alternate domain extensions versus the hard to find ".com". Mr. Lewis jeered, "Last year, someone in Texas was reported to have paid $150,000 for the name". He must have been aghast in 1999 when he read that sold for $7.5 million, followed by a sale in 2007, for $350 million.
For a bit of humor and a look at domain prices and struggles from the past, you must read "The Great Domain Name Hunt" by Peter H. Lewis, June 4, 1998. If only we knew what we know now and had a time machine to go back 24 years! Have you considered, purchased, or developed domains with alternate extensions? Any gems you regret not grabbing or misgivings over lost opportunities?
Note: The New York Times article is gifted via subscriber terms*. It appears to be limited to 14 days (ends June 12). If there are access issues, please leave a comment, requesting a possible new link.
NY Times Gifts*: Once you share a gift article, you can continue to share it as many times as you’d like through any of the gift article options for the next 30 days. The article can be viewed an unlimited number of times during the 14 day period before the link expires. While an article is open for access, anyone you share it with will be able to read the full article.
L Couch
The Great Domain Name Hunt (1998)
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