Project Maritime
Private group
480 members
If you are a seafarer (or want to be one) and want to explore your options in the maritime industry, keep reading.
Let us guess… You know less than you would like to about the maritime industry. Making good career decisions is hard without enough quality information.
We get it. We also felt that way.
That was when Project Maritime was born.
We connect seafarers and experts from the maritime industry to better understand it.
Now, we want to share this with you. We want to open up the maritime industry to help you make better career decisions.
Project Maritime is for you if:
  1. You are new to the industry and need guidance.
  2. You work in the industry and want to improve your career.
  3. You have a good career and want to make sure you are on the best path for your goals.
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Project Maritime
We help seafarers make better career decisions.
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