Maker School
Private group
1.1k members
$66 /month
This program is the straightest-line path to getting your first customer with automation as quickly & affordably as possible.
If you follow my roadmap *you will acquire your first paying client*. It's virtually impossible not to. You'll also invest less time/energy/money than with any other approach, saving tens of thousands of dollars in opportunity cost.
Here's what you get:
  • 218 exclusive videos & guides structured as a day-by-day program that show exactly how to get customer #1 + repeat the process πŸ’Έ
  • 16 automation templates for content creation, lead generation, and sales πŸ“¦
  • 3 underground methods I use to find qualified, high-paying automation leads 😈
  • 1 monthly group call with me, where you can ask me anything you want πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
  • Everything I used to scale my agency to $72K/mo (assets, sales scripts, funnels, closing strategies, and more) 🀝
Price increases every 10 members. See you inside.
Nick πŸ™
Maker School
The straightest-line path to getting your first automation customer. Price increases every 10 members.
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