Dharma Artist Collective
Private group
288 members
$100 /month
We help artists reclaim their attention and use it to turn their craft into their vocation.
The Dharma Artist Collective is Crossfit meets a Buddhist Monastery meets freestyle hiphop.
What You'll Get:
  1. Train Your Focus in community
  2. $1000s worth of unlockable courses
  3. Dharma Sprints everyday
  4. Weekly Q&As w/ Erick
  5. Monthly Dreamwork Classes w/ Erick
  6. Access to the Zodiac Games (winners get $$$)
Who DAC Isn't For:
  1. People who are romantically attached to the story “artists are suppose to be broke”
  2. People who think the internet is somehow inherently evil
  3. People who think charging money for your art is somehow not artistic
Who DAC Is For:
  1. Artists ready to grow up and learn how to feed themselves and their family with their art.
  2. Artists who are ready to go pro.
  3. Artists who want to help build the future.
PS. When you join, get on a Dharma Sprint as soon as you can. Trust us.
Dharma Artist Collective
Your ability to focus while using the internet is the most important skill of our generation. Are you ready to wake up?
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