When warm marketing, it’s tempting to step into the hero role—swooping in to “save the day” with your marketing and collaborative efforts. However, it’s essential to remember that the spotlight belongs to the local business. They are the hero; you are the support.
I’ll admit, I sometimes forget this rule. It’s easy to get excited and caught up in helping others. But when creating content, the focus must always stay on them—they need to be the center of attention.
Why? Beyond the obvious benefits of giving and altruism, this approach builds relationships. Think about it: if you had a friend who always hogged the spotlight and stole your moments to shine, how long would you enjoy their company? The same applies to marketing. Letting the business take center stage makes them feel important, seen, and supported. And that is what truly matters.
To establish trust and build strong relationships, we must prioritize giving first. Put the business’s needs before your own. When you give without expecting anything in return, you’ll be amazed at the good things that come your way.
William Sammons
Live Local Warm Marketing
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