When you join Leedflo Academy, we’ll teach you the exact model we use to pull in multi-six figures a year, working - after initial set up - just 10 hours a week!
How? By helping SBMs with tight budgets get the leads they desperately need.
And that’s not all… every month, we dive even deeper into our juiciest sales, marketing, and business growth secrets.
❗Try Risk Free: 7-Day FREE Trial
❗Price Increasing Soon
💰 Leedflo Academy Training Program ($998 value)
💰 Leedflo Academy Tools, Templates and More ($998 value)
💰 Live Coaching Calls and Recordings ($698 value)
💰 Community Support from Peers & Experts (Priceless)
💰 Monthly Live Workshops ($998 value)
🎁 Bonus: Client Getting PLAN Training Program ($998 value)
Total Value: $4,690 - Now Just: $18/mth (or $180/year)
If you're ready to stop chasing every shiny object and commit to building a business of your dreams then now is this time to join us in the exclusive coaching and mentorship program.
🚨Start Your 7-Day Free Trial NOW! 👉