Landlording Skool
20 members
$10 /month
I help landlords earn more with less effort!
Unlock my proven blueprint for a self-managing rental biz that operates on auto-pilot.
After 10 years of perfecting this, I now make $100k/year while working less than a day each month.
How It Works:
  • Be Pro: Manage like a firm, stay lean like a solo-boss
  • Go Digital: Use tech smarter for A+ rental management
  • Provide Homes: Turn tenants into long-term residents
What It Takes:
  • Zoom: Join weekly 1:1s (recordings get deleted)
  • Discussion: Support from likeminded landlords
  • Classroom: Take mini courses to learn/improve
🔥 What You Get:
  • Advanced Property Management Training Courses
  • Rental Biz Toolkit: Website, FAQs, tenant how-to videos, eforms, templates, etc
  • Custom Feedback: Listings, screening, repairs, branding, accounting, LLCs, ins, etc
Join now to lock-in your membership fee—prices increase yearly (rewards for referrals!)!
P.S. Join our landlord family for just pennies a day and own the cashflow secrets for life!