New Classroom content: 2 quick ebooks on dieting...
and nutrition while losing weight. Not by myself, though. To be found here: " So these are 2 ebooks from Supernerd Lyle McDonald about weight loss. They do not specifically have to do with cancer or a ketogenic diet, but reading this will teach you a lot about metabolism weight training and fuel partitioning in general, especially when in a caloric deficit. Don't be mistaken: Yes, he doesn't have 123 studies, but he did in fact read all of those to come to the conclusions he's making. They are short and sweet, I read all of his stuff back in the day, he even is the supergoat of the ketogenic diet books: His one was written back in 1998 !!! P.S.: I guess as these were published 20 years ago, Lyle wouldn't mind I share them with you :-) "