Fasting for beginners to get into ketosis
To get into ketosis quickly, I recommend throwing in a fasting day or two, as long as you are not very lean already. Fasting days not only reduce glucose, but has a very big impact on insulin, which we can't really measure, outside of getting blood drawn at the doctors every single day. I am currently in my 4th keto experiment with a keto mojo. 1) Eating "fattier" carnivore, every day, no calorie restriction. Ketones after 6 days: 0,5 2) Eating carnivore, 20% restriction. Ketones: 0,6 3) Eating keto macros, no CR, more like 85%+ fats, including MCTs. Ketones: 0,8. MCTs won't get you into ketosis faster. 4) Now: Eating every 2nd day, 5 hour eating window. 2 meals. LOTS of protein, probably double or 2.5 what the keto macros would have allowed me. That is also smart in general, as you don't run on fats till ketones are high enough, thus preventing tissue loss while fasting. Doing moderate intensity exercise twice, fast walking 90 minutes. Monday: Fasting. Tuesday: High protein Wednesday: Fasting. Thursday: High protein Friday: Fasting. Today, Saturday morning, ketones after 6 days: 1,8 mmol. Glucose went from 6,0 to 4,7. GKI of course still s*cks, but it's a far cry from the other experiments :-p Longer fasting intervals just work! :-)