Quick poll on becoming an android...
... clickbait title ftw haha!
What i mean is: whats your attitude towards plugging an continuous glucose meter cgm into your shoulder for measuring your glucose responses in real time?
I got one and i will apply it soon, but what do you guys think of it?
If you already have and used its metrics provided tell us in the comments! Useful or not, why?
Wtf is this? Never heard of it!
Heard of it, wont do it
Would apply one, if my fingerpricks tell me bad glucose numbers and i cant tell the reason
Would use it in general too see reactions to food items
Havent used but will do so in the future
I use it right now! (Comment on the experience pls)
Other opinion, will tell you in the comments
20 votes
Johnny Rockermeier
Quick poll on becoming an android...
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