JoyPro includes:
✍🏽 DAILY PRIORITIZING - 15 minutes zoom group, with a facilitator, to clarify the day's most important thing and to set an energized intention for it.
🤗 VIRTUAL WORK RETREATS 10x / month - to do what you planned! Sessions are at different times to accommodate people with different schedules. 🧑🧑🧒 DEDICATED TRIOS - You’ll be assigned (based on your preferences) to a small team. Your trio will meet or email weekly to reflect on what you're learning about your priorities, how you'll prioritize the coming week, and whether you've carved out time. Also note your likely distractions, and how will you deal with them. You can also plan co-working sessions with each other.
💪🏽 MONTHLY PRODUCTIVITY TRAINING - George will teach one skill per month, then there's time to plan how you'll integrate the skill.
✍🏽 Member-Only Skool for sharing accountability, encouragement, tips, and fun :)