Who Was Your First Mentor & How'd You Find Them?
Mine was Tony Robbins and a friend of mine gave me the Disc Set "Personal Power" which laid in the back seat of my car for a few weeks until I cleaned it one day and was like...
"I guess I'll listen to this while I clean my car..."
I literally became addicted to it.
I was like two weeks into a new phone sales job and by the end of that month I was the top sales guy and the following 60 days I became the sales trainer for 3 more of their branches and went off to start my own business.
This was back in 2007, lol.
From there of course you fly into all the gurus and I eventually found Sam.
The rest is history lol.
What's yours? GO!!
Mike Gowans
Who Was Your First Mentor & How'd You Find Them?
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