• A person who partakes in an activity that entertains
  • A person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession
  • The doer of an action
  • A supporter of a cause, aim, or person
  • Someone that accomplishes their goals
  • A person highly skilled in an artistic pursuit
What is R→A→M?:
  • Research = we focus and gain knowledge, we live to help other people solve problems.
  • Apply = we take what we've learned and we practice, use, and master the systems and principles.
  • Mentor = we teach other humans to fish, and we help others solve problems faster, easier, & better.
The PERFORMERS' focus:
When we find a small group of people who all have the same common problem and we research, apply, and mentor those people on how to solve their problem we create happiness 🤩, love ❤️, and profit 💰.
  • HAPPINESS 🤩 = We do what we love, master our arena, and help other people live better lives.
  • LOVE ❤️ = We add greatness to the world, make life easier for others, and add massive goodwill.
  • PROFIT 💰 = The only way to make money is by solving other people's problems. We buy our time.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. It is more worthwhile to teach someone to do something (for themselves) than to do it for them (on an ongoing basis).
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want."
"Mastery is not a function of genius or talent, it is a function of time and intense focus applied to a particular field of knowledge."
Humanity's greatest tool is the Internet:
The greatest tool for helping people is one that enables you to express yourself fully, reach everyone, and compound your goodwill for maximum impact.
What is a coach, consultant, course creator, or expert?
A person who knows more about a particular topic than someone else. Someone that helps people who need specific knowledge to get from their current situation to their desired situation in a faster, easier, and more efficient way.
What is value?
The benefit, importance, or (useful) effect of something. How are you going to benefit, be of importance, and have a useful effect on the people and the world?
Questions are the answer.
What you focus on grows.
You can't force a tree to grow.
The goal of a winner is to commit to the activities.
My reason for creating this post is to continue to evolve it so that it can constantly be refined and updated with the purest definition of a PERFORMER and all it stands for.
** Please use the comments to further help refine this post and give your feedback.
Mike Gowans
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