Daily Sales Community
Private group
1.2k members
Daily Calls, Daily Clients FREE Challenge and Community
Learn how to book 1-3 Sales calls and Enroll clients EVERYDAY, with a simple Hybrid System
Here's what's covered:
Day 1: Aligned Messaging
Day 2: Magnetic Content That Converts
Day 3: The Hybrid Sales System
BONUS: Day 4: The Profitable Conversion Mechanism
BONUS: Day 5: Hyper Profitable Mass Conversion Events
Here's everything you will see on the inside:
  • 3 Days of Training with Client Acquisition Expert Jason C Fox
  • Homework, worksheets, tools and sheets to organize your work
  • DAILY Q&A and feedback on offers, content, DMs and More
  • FIVE jam-packed days of learning & implementing how to build streamlined system to generate hot high ticket leads daily and book the calls on autopilot using AI so you can hit the ceiling of $5k-$25k months and work with your dream clients.
  • Access to our private 'Skool' Community, where you can share wins, breakthroughs, ask questions, collect more insight and get inspired!
Privacy and terms
Daily Sales Community
Daily Sales Community
Register for our Workshop July 10th: https://jasoncfox.com/workshop
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