First 50k qualified !
It’s been a long time coming, the road was messy, and I still have a LONG way to go, but my first 50kPA is being activated, and 4 more EAs in progress.
Thank you so much and the full team of coaches for all the teachings and feedback. Also to the community posts, feedback and discussions that have helped me shape my strategies and mindset.
Getting on this path is a huge dream come true for me and I can’t wait to keep learning and growing.
For those still working on it, NEVER GIVE UP! I don’t care if you just had the ugliest trading day, pick yourself back up, remind yourself that you are a STUDENT, and keep on learning!
You WILL get it if you put in the time and dedication.
Tyler Wilson
First 50k qualified !
InvestCEO with Kyle Henris
Day Trading helped me create my dream lifestyle. This group is dedicated to help you do the same by giving you the roadmap that helped get me here.
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