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Check the availability of a Skool name
Here is a cool little tool to check if the Skool URL you want is available! You can test it here. There are some really cool options available on the platform! /Astrology /management /lawyer /memecoins
New comment Dec '24
Check the availability of a Skool name
My book is out!
Hi insiders! I just finished publishing a book about Skool on Amazon 😁 I'm going to use it to bring people to this community, and to generate affiliate sales as well. If you have a minute, feel free to grab a copy and leave a review! It would be much appreciated 🙏 Here it is:
New comment Dec '24
My book is out!
Skool Games: How to Participate 
Have you heard about Skool Games? They’re a fantastic way to earn money and access to Alex Hormozi coaching. ❓What Are Skool Games? Skool Games is a competition designed specifically for Skool communities. These games are meant to motivate members to take action, learn more, and contribute actively. And to make tons of money along the way! By participating in these games, members can earn huge rewards (like a Cybertruck or 100k$), and the opportunity to go spend a day with Alex Hormozi and other winners. ❓How to Participate in Skool Games Participation in Skool Games is simple and straightforward. Here’s how you can get started: 1. Start a Skool Community – To participate in Skool Games, you first need to have an active Skool community. You can start yours right here. 2. Generate a lot of revenues inside a one-month period to get in the top 10 of the platform during that period of time. ❓Why Should You Participate in Skool Games? Participating in Skool Games is not only fun but also helps you build stronger relationships within the Skool platform. Plus, the competitive nature of these games can inspire you to learn more, collaborate with others, and grow your presence on the Skool platform. ⤵️Let us know in the comments if you minted to participate in the next Skool Games! ⤵️ And maybe they are not for you, and it's totally ok. I'me not participating in the monthly Skool games but I do participate in the Skool games community and help others grow their community. And I watch some of Alex Hormozi coachings to see if I pick up a few useful tips. To me, it's often way too close to the hustle culture, so I don't apply everything, but for you, it might totally resonate and it's fine!
New comment Oct '24
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