After a fantastic Homeschool Mastery Group call this morning, I was asked how I’ve been planting the seed. Here’s what’s worked for me this year with household chores (upon reflection there are way more things I could do/say better), and maybe just starting point for inspiration for anyone reading!: ➡️ I vocalised my daily tasks, modelling aloud what I do.
➡️ I used “responsibility” and “contribution” instead of “jobs” or “chores” (though my kids still prefer the latter!)
➡️ I’d say, “I wish I could play, but X task needs doing right now....”
➡️ I asked, “Want to help me finish X faster?” or said, “I’d really love some help with this.”
➡️ I didn’t expect their help but showed extra gratitude when they offered.
➡️ I let them choose their role as Chief Executive Officer and take charge of something they wanted!