I'm Yuan. Homeschooler of two kids. Excited to be here!
I'm ex-Software Engineering Manager who quit his job to take care of family. Kids are 6 and 3.
We travel between Costa Rica, Moscow, and Taiwan year-round. It's an amazing life for all of us (but not without its challenges).
We took this decision so that kids can spend time with their grandparents, something my wife loved as a child but I never had a chance to experience.
Our kids speak English, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish. Both of them fluent in three of those.
To be fair, my wife is in charge of most of the "real" homeschooling.
As you can see on the video, I do the fun part -- sports, hikes, nature, outdoor activities!
Happy to be here :)
Yuan Chiang
I'm Yuan. Homeschooler of two kids. Excited to be here!
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