Nov '24 (edited) in Announcements
[Please Read ] 🙏 The Holistic American - Mission Statement
From our Founder
My name is Doug, and I am an avid organic gardener, a holistic health lover, and a 9th-generation Son of the American Revolution.
I love God, I love America, and I love my family. I also love that you are here! The Holistic American Health Academy was founded on my tireless passion for wellness and freedom. We are not just about Holistic Health. We are about education and awareness.
We are about empowering America to reclaim and restore our God-given rights to freedom, autonomy, and wellness toward individual/collective health and abundance. Together, we can help change the course of history and our lives.
A little about me: I am 52 years old, and I am the oldest person in my immediate family. My mom died when I was 7 years old, and my Dad passed at age 66 from liver cancer. If I had known back then what I do now, Dad might still be with me! I am pissed off. I am saddened, and I have had enough!
Like most Americans, I am tired of watching our fellow patriots, veterans, elders, and children being treated with malice by a system that does not care for their ultimate well-being.
We are under attack from every angle; physically, mentally, and emotionally, and the powers that be are profiting from America’s suffering. We are fighting evil. Our war is a spiritual war—a war of principles, ethics, and morality.
My heart aches for all of you. Your pain is my pain, and mine is yours. My story is your story, and yours is mine. We share this common bond, not for the sake of garnering pity but for the mission of making truth, compassion, and unity the new normal while fulfilling the calling to serve. Human beings are interconnected in ways we don’t fully understand.
Despite all the lies and deception being forced upon us, despite being told how to think, and that we have no right to an opinion, you STILL found your way here! You KNOW what the truth is, or you have some extreme suspicions about what you’re being spoon-fed.
This intuitive knowledge is what led you here! We human beings thrive when we are connected by love and compassion for one another. This is obvious just by reading your posts over the last few days.
I may not know any of you but if I were to sum up what your collective experience has been since joining the group, in one word, that word would be “REFRESHING”. Am I wrong?
I am on a mission, and I need your help!
Holistic4Life Association is my family-owned small business. We are a business like no other. We exist for you. Our operating system is love, not money, and certainly not greed.
Our mission is to restore America through Holistic Health. If we help each other heal our bodies, minds, and souls, we will be able to help others, too! Together, we can restore individuals, families, and communities by introducing them to God’s intended blessings and bounty through holistic lifestyle choices.
Our spiritual nature has been interrupted. Our pineal glands are purposely calcified to dumb us down through the chemicals we ingest. These chemicals hinder, if not block, our ability to tune into our true spiritual nature to connect with our highest selves and reach our spiritual potential. We must start by cleansing our bodies of toxins and replenishing our deficiencies so that our bodies can heal themselves and we can think with clarity and laser focus. From there, the sky is the limit!
Here’s a powerful fact: It takes just $1 spent on truth to undo $10,000 spent on lies and deception.
This is how we take back our lives, our families, our health, and our communities while restoring America to her bountiful glory:
The sun puts out zillions of KW of energy, yet our fragile bodies at most, get a sunburn from the sun’s rays. But if we condense the sun’s rays into a single beam, it becomes a powerful laser to cut through anything.
Our laser, in this group, is combining the passion of holistic health and the patriotic passion of our brave Americans and aligning our energy into a single point of focus, which is to help each other and rebuild America through Holistic Health.
Here's what I expect from you as members of this community:
1. Share our mission.
2. Spread the word and invite anyone and everyone who cares about their health and America.
3. Pour your heart into this group. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Our laser is a LOVE LASER, which cuts through the lies and deception and lifts our fellow Americans up!
4. Help keep this site pure. If you see something that detracts from or deviates from our focus, let Admin know. We have zero tolerance for behavior that detracts from our laser focus on love and unity.
5. Support the small businesses we promote.
6. Love one another.
7. Stand up for our veterans.
8. Embrace and protect our elders.
9. Support and boost the nuclear family.
They desperately need our help. They are in so much trouble.
Together, with compassion and laser focus, we can cut through the lies of the industries that are attacking us and build a better future.
That laser beam of love is YOU......"The Holistic American!”
Thank you for accompanying me on this journey! Much Love and Gratitude ~ Doug
*Please leave a comment below and tell us what you think of our mission! 👇👇
John Oshua
[Please Read ] 🙏 The Holistic American - Mission Statement
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