Jan 10 (edited) in Nutrition
A Dose of Truth in A World of Deception: Seed Oils & Heart Disease
We have been born into a deceptive world. Yet, we live in amazing times. We have been manipulated and deceived for SO LONG, yet we're here and alive today, witnessing the mass awakening to the truth.
This is a VERY special time to be alive in human history. We are part of the Great Awakening!
Stay away from seed oils! You want healthy fats, which are typically solid at room temp when unrefined and pure. The exception is olive oil, which is liquid at room temp. Clean, organic fats from ghee, butter, lard, tallow, coconut, olive and avocado oils. Avocado industry has serious issues, being mostly in Mexico. It is a heavily commercialized industry. I try to stay away from avocado oil for that one reason. Otherwise, they contain the healthy fats. Better to eat the avocado instead of using the oil to get your fats.
Keep your heart and brain healthy with good Omegas! Shop Vegan Omegas DHA-EPA Supplements
John Oshua
A Dose of Truth in A World of Deception: Seed Oils & Heart Disease
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