I am catching up and don’t want to be left behind!
Getting it done! I finished 1st week videos just had some tech issues that I will attack on Friday to be fully ready from now on through Invincible program! I also re listened to our Monday call video, it was sooo helpful to hear it again! Excited to get next 3 videos that came out on this Thursday. Letting go of current part time job (my paid job) that is eating my time and moving forward with a better offer ( only until I know longer need to work part time for someone else!) so that I can focus better on this incredible opportunity for a better life with the passion I have to get out of the situation I’m in! So much to offer but needing this push to help me get there!
I have not checked if I’ve been assigned an accountability partner but I will be a faithful one if someone is needed one as well. I have asked 3 others but only feedback from one person who could not be in program after all.
Elsa Escobedo-Lopez
I am catching up and don’t want to be left behind!
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