👋 Hello Everyone! I’m Warren Gibbons, a business coach/mentor specializing in helping 20-30ish entrepreneurs come alive with purpose and build L.A.F.S. business (Lucrative, Authentic, Fun & Simple). I’m excited to join this community and look forward to connecting with other community builders.🚀 💎 WHAT I OFFER: I help emerging entrepreneurs cut their learning curve in half and get to positive cash-flow (A.K.A oxygen to every business). I’m trying to be the mentor that I needed when I started my first business in my twenties & had no idea what I was doing. I help my clients with clarity (so they see the big picture & keep it simple) and cashflow (so they can breathe). Does this sound like you?: - "I want to build something that doesn't suck" - "I want time/money leverage…to make money while I sleep" - "Be my own boss without the trappings of a JOB or that boring corporate BS" - "Create something people actually want to use" - "Go viral, but for a legit reason…because our products/services are great, and actually help our customers” - “Be proud of what i’m doing with my life” We’re a fit for entrepreneurs who don't want to go it alone, who want to be mentored, so that they build their business to be an expression of who they are and: - Get paid well for who they are - Live purposefully & come alive in their business - Focus on their zone of unique ability and find the WHOs that are better suited to do the rest. - become aligned and unstoppable…even if this is your first business. Clarity of vision/purpose/direction is where we start. Positive cash-flow is the immediate result you MUST get to…so you can breathe. Because, when you have great cashflow…It’s so much easier to be a great leader, and navigate the many challenges that come with running a business (no shortage of them). But when you don’t have it…when you’re freaking out ‘how am I going to make rent or payroll’ (bad stuff happens): …you’re are at risk of becoming a grumpy a**hole.