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Welcome! 💃
👉 Quick Start: Watch the welcome video below 👋 ✅ First Action: Introduce yourself: - Where are you from? - What do you do for a living? - 1 Fun Fact About You 🍺 - Your LinkedIn (if you like to connect with people) ✅ Second Action: Take The AI Journey Quiz: ✅ Third Action: Tell us if you are new to skool👇 Let's get to know, and learn from each other! P.S. I am still in construction mode, but welcome the first community members!
61 members have voted
New comment 13h ago
Welcome! 💃
🔔 Community Updates (Feed)
⌲ 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑺 & 𝑼𝑷𝑫𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑺 In this post, you’ll receive important updates whenever there are changes in the community, including classroom announcements, upcoming launches, and new releases. Including reminders about upcoming events, project & challenges. Click the bell to get notified. 🔔 Important: Please, no comments or feedback here. Only Goda and the team will post official updates and information regarding community improvements. GG💃
New comment 3d ago
The Seeker
I have got to be the oldest person here in addition to being the least experienced, lol. I have always been intrigued to learn new things and once I was introduced to AI it was like there was no stopping me from watching video after video and following the instructions of the You Tube video. It did not matter to me that I had no idea what I was doing until I kept repeating the process and then started to understand it somewhat. You have to understand you guys are at the beginning and I am at the end but it does not stop me from seeking, lol.
New comment 1d ago
How are you going about processing information?
One of the most common use cases I'm seeing in AI is synthesizing information. Long blogs and podcasts have so many nuggets, but saving them not only takes time to listen, but also time to process and make actionable. How are you guys processing insights and actionable information from things like YouTube and blog posts?
New comment 16h ago
AI Experts Seem Light-Years Ahead… Until You Find Out When They Started. 🚀
When I first started learning AI, I felt so behind. Everyone I spoke with—mentors, instructors—seemed like they were operating on another level. I thought, How will I ever catch up? Then I learned something surprising: most of them were only 18-24 months ahead of me. 🤯They didn’t all come from tech backgrounds. They just started earlier—and kept learning. That realization changed everything. AI isn’t about catching up. It’s about starting. And here’s the best part: ✅ No matter where you are, someone is just beginning. ✅ Teaching what you know—even if it’s tiny—cements your learning. ✅ AI moves so fast that everyone is always learning. So, if you’re feeling behind, you’re exactly where you need to be. Keep going—you’ll be amazed at what you know in a few months. If you could give one tip to a brand-new AI learner, what would it be? Drop it below! 👇
New comment 18h ago
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