Send An Email to Your SmartDesktop AI Email
When you get a few minutes, send a quick email to your Smart Desktop AI email ( from your regular email address (The one you use to sign in to your AI account)
This is to warmup your AI email.
For example, it can be like this
From: your email you use to sign into your AI account
Subject: Hi, how are you doing?
Body: Hi my favorite new email address that is going to be working for me.
I thought I would just reach out and send over the first message. I'm looking forward to you working for me 24/7 while I set back and binge on my favorite Netflix shows. I hope you don't mind that you'll be working every day for me and making sales.
Well anyway, I'm looking forward to a long fruitful AI realationship, lol.
Your real human friend,
Corey Price
Send An Email to Your SmartDesktop AI Email
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