Kyle Reese
Infinite Banking ISN'T for everyone
Infinite Banking ISN'T for everyone
"If you can't put $10k/yr into your own system, it's not worth it." 馃檮
Is anyone else sick and tired of hearing this crap?
You're telling me that the most efficient method of taking back control of your financial situation isn't for everyone?
That's an awfully condescending thing to say.
Are you really TRYING to keep the less fortunate where they're at? In the name of profit and freedom? Please...
I started Infinite Banking when I had zero income, no assets, and a small amount of money in the bank.
I've financed unexpected medical costs for my family. 馃┖
I've financed a vehicle. 馃殫
I've begun thinking like a banker (the most profitable profession out there). 馃挼
It's changed my life!
Everyone starts somewhere.
Take heart and start where you're at!
Start now. You will NEVER regret it.
What were you told at the beginning of your journey to Infinite Banking that caused you to question it's legitimacy or your worthiness?
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Our Freedom Family gathers here to learn, grow, and practice the Infinite Banking Concept as taught by Nelson Nash in his recorded works.
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