Fitter Confident Club
Private group
495 members
As a GBTQ+ man, If you're craving support, connection, fun, motivation and direction, join Fitter Confident Club.
It's been created it to get you from stuck and unsure to confident and thriving...
And all in a fun, engaging community that specifically wants the best for each other.
You'll find follow-along workouts, challenges, weekly coaching talks and Q&A sessions with CEO Matt to remove the guesswork of building a Fitter Confident You.
PLUS: ** FREE 4 week workout plan when you join Fitter Confident Club - value £195! **
Learn new habits, skills and build the mindset of modern GBTQ+ guy who has the quiet confidence to get what he wants.
If you think you're too Gay / Bi / Trans / Queer or weird for regular fitness...
You're probably perfect for Fitter Confident Club!
Fitter Confident Club
Gay men need community & connection more than ever.
FCC is the safest space on the Internet, created to help GBTQ+ men THRIVE on their terms.
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