It has to be Lightning Demos ⚡—a quick and powerful way to gather inspiration!
Here's how you run it:
1. Gather the team and set a timer (30-45 minutes, depending on how long you want to run this).
2. As the facilitator, give an example of a Lightning Demo to set the tone (see example attached 👀).
This should be directly linked to the challenge the group is trying to solve—for example, if the goal is to revamp the brand's image, show a Lightning Demo of companies that have done this successfully.
3. Each person spends the allocated time searching for 2-3 Lightning Demos, noting down the ‘Big Ideas’ and 'Why it's interesting' for each demo—one demo per sticky note.
4. Share the demos with the group and place them somewhere everyone can see.
Let me give you an example:
Last week, during a facilitation training my team and I were running, one of the groups used the iconic Old Spice “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” ad as a Lightning Demo to showcase how a brand can successfully transform its image (check out the picture attached 👀).
It’s a perfect example of turning a “boring” product into something cool and memorable. The humor, unexpected twists, and bold branding sparked a ton of ideas on how they could approach their own challenge.
Why Lightning Demos are a game-changer:
✨ They’re perfect for breaking out of creative blocks.
✨ They work wonders for sparking fresh ideas quickly.
✨ They ensure everyone’s voice is heard and valued.
Have you tried this exercise yet? How did it go?
Do you have any go-to methods for quickly generating ideas?
Let me know in the comments :)