Interesting Perspective from Jake Knapp about Icebreakers!
At AJ&Smart, we're all about kickstarting workshops with a bang, and that often includes an engaging icebreaker. But, we're always open to different perspectives, so let's dive into an alternative take from the one and only Jake Knapp, author of the game-changing book "Sprint."
Jake says, “I’m not a fan of icebreakers. A goofy ice breaker starts you off with a credibility deficit if there are any skeptics in the room. I want the team to have confidence that I’m going to make excellent use of their time and attention. That doesn’t mean we can’t have fun, but I want to start things off fast and pragmatic. And eventually the ice breaks on its own. Be patient and do not assume that you have to have an ice breaker just because it’s the default for workshops—yes, it’ll be a little awkward at first, but trust that people will get comfortable. They always do, and you’ll be glad to have the extra time later on.” (source:
Now that's an interesting angle! Jake's all about getting down to business, and we can't argue with the importance of saving precious workshop time. Plus, it's true that people tend to warm up naturally as things progress.
That said, we still believe a carefully crafted icebreaker can work wonders, especially when you're dealing with a group of fresh faces. It's all about striking the right balance and adapting to the situation at hand.
So, what's your take? Do you believe in including Icebreakers in your workshops or do you prefer to get straight down to business? Let's get the conversation rolling!
Rebecca Courtney
Interesting Perspective from Jake Knapp about Icebreakers!
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