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1 member
Welcome to ENABLE, where trainers and individuals with disabilities connect to empower fitness. Our community fosters collaboration, providing personalized support for all members. Whether you're a trainer passionate about adaptive fitness or someone with a disability looking to explore new possibilities, ENABLE offers a welcoming space for connection and growth. Join us to redefine possibilities and celebrate strength together.
Here's what's included in ENABLE:
šŸ‹ļøā€ā™‚ļø Custom Adaptive Fitness Programs
šŸ¤– Educational Workshops
šŸ˜Ž Confidence and Supportive team
šŸ§  Fitness and Nutrition resources
ā™æļø Accessibility Consultations
šŸ‘Øā€šŸ« Online Community Platform
šŸ“š Resource Library
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Private group
Enabling Abilities with a Network for Better Living through Exercise
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