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Live Q&A Session is happening in 4 days
[Start Here] Welcome!!
THIS POST IS PACKED WITH EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF THIS COMMUNITY! Thank you for being here… if you wish to stay, don’t mess this part up and please read every word of this post. ** #NODRIFTERS... any new member who doesn't level up to Level 2 - #ActionTaker within 14 Days will be removed from the community ** To move up to level 2 it's simple... get 5 points. 1 like on any of your comments or posts = 1 point. You only need 5 to keep access. It is simple...So don't put this off! Make one post and/or comment on a few posts here in the community as you can and you get to stay. 🎁 Free Gift 🎁 - Free Gift 1: Join our upcoming New Member Onboarding Call on Thursdays - Free Gift 2: Emotional Cannon Worksheet 🥇 #1 Rule 🥇 If you are here to get value, you will, but if you GIVE value, you will find you get much more out of this community. - NO DM farming (“comment below and I’ll send it over) - NO spamming people in this community, I will find out - NO links in your posts or comments I repeat... NO LINKS IN YOUR POSTS. If I let you do it, I have to let everyone do it and I will not let this community become a spam fest :) On that note, there will be a few posts in this community that I do allow you to share your community and social links. It will be very clear which posts they are as you come across them. If you would like to get feedback on something, you can provide a screen shot, just no link to your community allowed. Lastly... if you show up and contribute to the community, I do have an opportunity to spotlight you, your community, and your expertise where I will promote your community. Other than that... NO LINKS ALLOWED 🎯 The Goal 🎯 The Empowering Families Collective's goals are simple: "We empower families through Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Techniques to recognize and release negative emotions, heal traumas, and repair relationships."
New comment Jan 7
ESM - AM/PM Routine Accountability
This is for members who have purchased the $37 Essentials of Self-Mastery Course. Once you have completed your AM/PM Routines worksheet, comment DONE!
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Essentials of Self-Mastery Course Members
For those of you who have purchased the $37 ESM program, this is where I would like you to introduce yourself and what you would like to accomplish with your EQ journey!
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🎉 Happy New Year!! 🥳
I hope you all enjoyed your Holidays, with Christmas and New Year's! I hope you took the time to unwind, enjoy time with friends and family, and recharge yourself for a great year ahead. I am going to be doing a challenge at the beginning of each month. And for January I though a great challenge to start with is establishing your morning and nighttime routines to get you on the right foot for this year. Routines are an essential part to success. They help us create good habits, stay focused on what our goals are, and they should propel us forward making progress towards our goals. ☀️✍️ I want to challenge you to start today, write down 3 things you will do every morning to get your day started on the right track. 🌙 ✍️ write down 3 things you will do every night to gauge how well your day went and/or set your morning up for success, and help you unwind and relax for a good night's sleep. Examples: ☀️ Morning - getting dressed (including shoes), exercising, praying/meditating, writing down the days priorities, making your bed, starting a load of laundry, etc. Whatever you decide to do, it can be simple and easy, or take time, but regardless make sure you are doing things that make your day go more smoothly, keep your energy up, brings you focus and clarity, and sets up the rest of your day for success. 🌙 Night - journaling out emotions from the day, rating yourself on how you performed in your priorities that day, taking a hot bath, setting out your clothes for tomorrow, praying/meditating, etc. Do things that help you release, unwind, and relax so that you can get a good nights rest. Also include things that make the morning easier. If you decide tonight what you are going to wear in the morning then that is one less decision you have to make in the morning and you can reduce your time getting ready. ⛔ After you write down your AM/PM Routines, come back here and share a couple with us! You can help inspire good ideas for others! ⬇️
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New comment Jan 2
Merry Christmas!
I hope you are taking the time to enjoy your loved ones and all that you have been blessed with this Christmas season. Gratitude is a powerful tool for overcoming emotional turmoil. It has also been known to take away physical pain! As you gather with loved ones and exchange gifts, I hope you take the time to list out either on paper or spoken out loud all the things you are grateful for this year. Count your blessings and notice the peace that will enter your heart, calm your nerves, and improve your perspective. I am very grateful for all of you in this community, and for the wonderful support and contributions you make. I am eternally thankful for my family and the opportunity to be the mother of so many blessed souls. I am grateful for my spouse and how hard he works to support our growing family. He is my hero. I am thankful for my life, that I get to live it the way I want to, I feel so blessed to live in this country at this time in history. I am thankful for modern technology that makes it possible for me to get to know all of you who live all over the world, and without it I would never have "met" you. I am thankful for the dark times, the problems, the setbacks, the hard lessons that have taught me so much. The dark patches in life make the light ones all the more bright and beautiful. And I am thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ who has made it possible to recover from those dark times. He who shines the light back on my life. He who heals, restores, forgives, guides and protects me. And for those of you who may not be Christian, I hope you can take the time to find joy and gratitude during this season too. The same principles apply no matter what you believe. All my love and best wishes for you and yours! - Lea Ann
New comment Dec '24
Merry Christmas!
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Empowering Families Collective
Empowering families through Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Techniques to recognize and release negative emotions, heal traumas, and repair relationships.
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