Elevate B2B Software Business
Private group
74 members
This is an exclusive learning portal and network only for the owner or part of the management team of a B2B software company.
The purpose is to share relevant learning content related to business development and growth.
Membership here is free of charge.
If you find the content on the free version relevant and valuable, you will no doubt also find my more ambitious learning portal and network interesting.
This works with a paid membership of $97,- per month or free for those who choose to use my consulting services.
Currently, for a limited time, you can register as a "Co-founder member" for a monthly fee of only $47. There's no commitment to the subscription, so you only decide for a minimum of one month.
If you are several people from the same company who want access, write to me here: she@tbkconsult.com and we will find a good and attractive solution.
You can get direct access here: https://www.skool.com/b2b-software-growth/about
Elevate B2B Software Business
This learning portal & network is aimed at the owners & management of B2B software companies with ambitions for national or international growth.
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