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Hormozi Q&A is happening in 4 days
Group Shutdown :)
Hey Folks, As part of streamlining my operations I will be shutting down /reviews. I just saved myself $99/m… woohoo! I intend to honor my reviews commitments and keep the party going over at! Please join over there if you haven’t already and still want a free review! And also, as a final reminder, anyone who creates a group using my referral link gets FREE access to and all the cool benefits that go with it! Thanks, Joe
New comment Nov '24
Introducing wizard’s lil bro: skool mage 🪄
Hey all, sticking with the magic theme I created This will be a free group I will try to get people to join and then try to get them either to create a community with my affiliate (which will grant them access to /wizard) or try to get them to join wizard outright. I envision most of the classroom content to be in /mage and more juicy and exclusive info to be in /wizard. Please go ahead and join /mage so you don’t miss out on anything! I most likely will be closing down all my communities except for /chaos (my fun group) /mage and /wizard and really going all in on affiliates and community support. I am planning to finish all the outstanding reviews I owe people over in this community and roll my reviews service into /wizard. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Joe
New comment Nov '24
Introducing wizard’s lil bro: skool mage 🪄
Today only: special offer for reviews members
Hey All, I’m in a fight for the Skool games at the moment. Today is the last day. After today I’ll be able to really lock in and focus on wizard. Here’s my offer: If you are willing to create a Skool community using my affiliate link, and activate your subscription today before 5pm Eastern, I will provide unlimited 1 on 1 coaching (schedule permitting) until the end of the year. The cost to you will be $99. But, the value will be much, much more. So if you’re trying to launch your Skool, want to pick my brain, get feedback, or just want to hang out, this is a very cost-effective way to make it happen. Normally I charge much more for an hour of mentoring. So you pay less, and get more, if you do this. You can cancel the group if you want after today so you only get charged $99 once. But, if you want to keep it going, I’ll help you figure out the business plan and strategy for growth. But, that’s up to you and not required. To make it even crazier… I will offer 1 month of unlimited coaching for EACH group you do this for. So, create 1 group, get unlimited mentoring for December. Create two groups, get unlimited mentoring for Dec and Jan, etc. If you’re at all interested, comment below with a funny gif or just DM me. Thanks, Joe
One Last Favor...
Hey All, I'm currently in a fight to make it into the Top 5 of the Skool Games Affiliate contest. The top 5 make it to Vegas and are cemented into history as Skool Games Winners. I'm offering the following incentives for anyone who creates a new group using my affiliate link and upgrades their subscription before the end of the November Games: 1. FREE FOR LIFE access to 2. 2 FREE 1 on 1s where I can make you laugh, or give you cool ideas for your group 3. FREE FOR LIFE access to your own version of the Skool wizard tool: The November Games end on 11/30 at 2 pm Pacific time. Thanks, Joe
New comment Nov '24
Last Call -> Migrate to /mage!!!
Hi All, I'm tagging all the folks in /Reviews who have yet to make the move and join As a reminder, the reviews group will be shutting down and I will be doing reviews + more inside of the /mage community. Hope to see you there! @Nik Čuruvija @Jason Benson @Ben Biedrawa @Glenn Broome @Matt Burns @Ted Carr @Arjun Chidambaram @Alvis Ciritis @Katrina Curll @Shivraj Dangi @Ritik Das @Christopher Davison @Ryan Duncan @Bill Frederick@Aaron Gold @Sally How @Eric Howell @Jawed Iqbal @Thomas Jordan @Boss Nanjy @Darren Neese @Lydia Newell @Jared Orr @Stefanos Sophocleous @Michael Tuitalele @Coleen Vlake @William Wang @Braden S. Watt @Scott Weller
New comment Nov '24
1-30 of 55
I'll review your Skool community for free (even if it's not built yet)! 🤯
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