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95 members
Welcome to the DRIP LAB! This is the community for all members of DRIP X (Curriculum) and DRIP Y (Coaching).
DRIP X is the curriculum, which is separated in three phases.
  • Phase I: Foundation X. This is all the essentials to set you up for success.
  • Phase II: Sales X. Let's quickly ring the cash register.
  • Phase III: Autopilot X. This is the autopilot system that sells 24/7.
  • Phase IV: Traffic X. All the strategies that feeds your autopilot system.
  • Phase V: Evergreen X. All the evergreen strategies that stay around forever.
DRIP Y is the coaching elements. If you are a member, you get:
  • Weekly group coaching calls
  • Access to Clay via Voxer
  • 1:1 onboarding and quarterly strategy calls
  • Access to all in-person events (and first invitation)
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Welcome to DRIP LAB! This is the community for all members of DRIP X (Curriculum) and DRIP Y (Coaching). Ask questions, post wins, and collaborate!
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