Write something
Something cool!
Need clients? Not sure where to find them? I'm planning a call with an expert on lead generation. Caveat, I'll only put it on if you ask some questions. So drop all of your deepest, darkest worries and asks in the comments here 😆
New comment 5h ago
Something cool!
2X your service business revenue without longer hours
New video in the classroom! #The 3 strategies that will 2X+ your revenue I'm sharing the strategies I'm using to 2X+ my business and you can use too if you want to grow sustainably this year.
New comment 8h ago
2X your service business revenue without longer hours
Getting MRR with Skool
Dear dopamaniacs, if you want that sweet predictable monthly recurring revenue... And you're considering selling your expertise here on skool... You can use my skool link!!! And when you do, you get a FREE skool success strategy call with me 😎 💰 Start your own Skool! And though I don't use my skool for monetization purposes... My paid membership is subscription based, and I love the MRR model! Speaking of which, are you already considering MRR strategies?
1 member has voted
New comment 3d ago
What is your intention for the week?
I learned this powerful trick from a 7 figure coach. Turns out the more intentional you are, The better the results you get without unnecessary stress. My mission is to try to live as intentionally as possible. Doesn't mean I don't do spontaneous random things. It just means most of the time I try to visualize... What might happen if I do X vs Y. My intention for this week is creating connections. What is yours?
New comment 7d ago
What is your intention for the week?
Hi, happy to see you here. ↓ Head to the Classroom for the trainings 👇 #The 3 strategies that will 2X+ your revenue . . . Introduce yourself below! I'll start. I'm Anna aka Dopamine Queen. A biohacker who made companies millions as a strategy consultant. I've mentored founders since 2014 and after a nasty burnout experience I started making sure that all of the business plans I create are wellness-focused. My mission is to help 1,000,000 people build an amazing business without sacrificing health. I love cycling, cats and working out with my bestie. Your turn.
New comment 15d ago
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Dopamine Club
Grow revenue without longer hours 🎩 Elite growth strategies for consultants 🎉 15,000 lives impacted 🚀
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