The Debbie Does Detox Academy is your community for cellular detox support, alternative wellness mastery, and higher spiritual inquiry.
With a wide, eclectic array of well-curated information, we source ways to help you detoxify, (re)build and maintain your body, mind, and soul within a supportive community of kindred spirits.
FREE Membership Includes:
- Access to Original & Curated Content (limited)
- Divine Detox Start Guide & Mini-Course
- Voice-Activated Bioscans FREE
- Engage & get support from our team & community
PAID Membership Includes (all of the above, plus):
- Access to Original & Curated Content (unlimited)
- Custom Wellness Protocols & Programs
- 1-on-1 Wellness Counseling
- Group Coaching Sessions
- High-Level Online Courses
- Discounts on Services & Products
- Monthly $99/Annually $891
Debbie Does Detox Academy is all about providing a snug, cozy place for continuous learning as well as opportunities for high-engagement in your quest to be less toxic, both physically and spiritually.
In Wellness,