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Start HERE! Quick Orientation + How to Unlock Courses FAST!
I'm so excited. Seriously. I really desire for you to WANT to come visit and interact with this page. Please, introduce yourself! Create relationships! Ask questions and tell me how I can make your life better. 🤩✨ PS. I may say in the video you must like 5 things to get to level 2, but you must have 5 likes on YOUR things (i.e. intros, comments, etc.). So engage and I'll like them all (and so will others) and you will unlock things fast! Plus, to avoid excess and annoying emails... 1. Download the app from the apple or google play store (Download for iOS / Download for Android) 2. Enable push notifications to get updates regarding this group (this should come up on your phone when you install the app!) 3. Turn off email notifications (skool sends a lot and they’re annoying) - Click your profile picture -> Settings -> Notifications -> Go to the Group Notifications section and click/tap the "CHANGE" button and use the following settings: - Digest email frequency - Daily - Notifications email frequency - Daily (or weekly) - Post like notifications - Some like these off, but they do bring me back in to check when people are engaging with you! - Admin announcements - Yes - Event reminders - Yes
10 members have voted
New comment 15d ago
Start HERE!  Quick Orientation + How to Unlock Courses FAST!
What's Your Favorite Dating Story?
Post below! Whether it was a complete disaster turned into a funny story, something romantic and sexy, or a learning opportunity, we'd love to hear it!
New comment 1d ago
What's Your Favorite Dating Story?
How Long Have You Been In Relationship + How Is It Doing?
What's happening in your life? What are your struggles and successes? You get to share it all here and receive support from coaches, healers, and the community. 🙌 💜 Pick the one that best describes your current relationship + leave a comment below!
4 members have voted
New comment 1d ago
How Long Have You Been In Relationship + How Is It Doing?
Funniest way to get back at your ex
Name a Bug "Give someone bug-tterflies this Valentine’s Day! This year, give a gift they’re sure to remember when you name a bug after someone you love … or someone who just bugs you. Make a $15 donation to the Minnesota Zoo Foundation before midnight on February 14 to name a bug in someone’s honor and help feed Minnesota Zoo animals. Whether for a friend or foe, your bug will become part of a balanced diet for animals like golden lion tamarins, chameleons, opossums, turtles, and more. Recipients will receive an ecard with a personalized message informing them that a bug has been named in their honor." I love it that they send an e-card and then feed the bug to the animals! 🤣🤣🤣
New comment 12h ago
Release Anger Over How You Were treated
I know you have had a relationship in the past where you weren't treated the way you should have been. Maybe you were disrespected or weren't heard and seen. How did your ex (or someone you dated) treat you? Are you angry? Resentful? Or just glad that they aren't around anymore? Did you know that the anger can cause physical stress in your body AND unconsciously prevent you from finding a better relationship in the future? I'm serious about this. Your unconscious always is looking to protect you, and one way it does that is by looking to the past to see how you should react now. And, when you react from hurt and defensiveness, you end up missing out on great relationships. Because you can be closed, inattentive, guarded, suspicious- perhaps when it's unnecessary. Sometimes even hurting other people in your own method of protection. Watch this video and tap along to release your anger. Because YOU deserve to let it go.
New comment 13h ago
Release Anger Over How You Were treated
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