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🔵 CYBERPRO Student Onboarding is happening in 16 hours
Welcome to the CYBERPRO Community! READ THIS NOW ⬇️
Congratulations on making the decision to develop your skills and become a cybersecurity professional. You'll find pretty quickly that this decision will be one of the best you could have made for your future and your family's future! 🚀 Here you’ll learn how to get the skills and credentials companies are looking for to get a job and become successful as a cybersecurity specialist! In the meantime, please introduce yourself in the comments below by answering these questions: 1. Where are you from? 2. Which of these emojis matches how you feel about your skills in cybersecurity now? (😀 😐 🤔 😠) 3. What do you feel is holding you back from the success you desire? Once your share your intro, say hello to one or two people in the comments.
New comment 1h ago
📖 CYBERPRO Community Rules
Our mission is to connect like-minded tech professionals regardless of your background. Regardless if you are just starting out or have decades of experience in your tech career, we value the importance of community and personal development! This community is open to anyone and everyone who wants to become a better cybersecurity professional, tech professional, or better human... period! If you are looking to connect with others who value personal growth and development AND community while sharing and interest and a passion in all things technology... You are in the right place! 🛑 RULES - Don't sell anything here or use the CYBERPRO Community as a self-promotion tool of any kind. - We will delete low-effort community posts, and posts with poor English. This is a professional community... Proof read your post! - Don't write an entire post for "Anyone from [Enter Country] Here?" - Help us make the posts high quality - If you see a low quality post then click on the 3 dots on the post and hit "Report to Admins". Go read some of the posts, and whichever post makes you stop and read fully with interest, comment something supportive underneath it! You'll start to get known as such a great, supportive CYBERPRO inside of our community. Don't forget... Put in the work, especially when you don't feel like it!
New comment Feb 20
Which do you prefer?
I asked Google if it should be spelling cyber security or cybersecurity. The response was that the dictionary spells it as cybersecurity. On the other hand, a lot of universities spell it cyber security. I can't even find a consensus among job postings. It seems job titles could swing either way. So, which spelling do you prefer and why? Cybersecurity or Cyber Security
Ready for Cyber
I'm new here and ready to get started.
New comment 2d ago
New to Tech
Good Afternoon!! Excited to be part of the community and to connect with like minded individuals looking to launch and upgrade professionally within the Cyber Security industry. Im currently 25 living in Toronto, Canada. I don't have any background in tech, however i'm excited to learn the skills necessary to launch my career within the industry.
New comment 3d ago
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