The Key to Sourcing Creators
Finding creators to represent your brand can be difficult, however there are a couple of key aspects that is important to finding great creators:
  1. Source creators that produce the type of content you want to reflect.
If you are looking for tiktok creators, make sure to outreach to those already on the platform. If you are looking for more aesthetic stills, connect with creators on Instagram. It may seem self explanatory, but it is key to content success for your brand to ensure the type of content that you are aiming for the particular creator is already engaging in.
  1. Go for micro influencers, not macro
Micro influencers are looking to engage and build their own personal brand and you can help. By looking to connect with micro influencers you are not only helping them build their experience, but you will be able to gain authentic, engaging content which connect with audiences natively.
  1. Build rapport with your creators
when reaching out to creators, it is important that you are genuinely interested in their content and that your product connects with the content they already produce. When connecting, make it personal and build genuine conversation which allows the creator to feel personally connected with your brand.
These are a couple of tips to get you started, but let me know if you have any further questions and I will be happy to assist!
Angie Cc
The Key to Sourcing Creators
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