How to create native content!
The hardest thing brands struggle with when creating native content is to taking off their brand brain and thinking like their audience.
In traditional marketing you would never even dream of adding other brands or soft selling your products - however THIS content always performs and surprises brands!
That's because people on social spaces like Tiktok, don't want to be sold to! They want to to be entertained, educated and connected to a community of like-minded people, and in that social trust, they make purchases!
Now, I'm not saying you should give up on the hard sell, but having variety in your content strategy and testing how your audience responds is extremely important. Especially when marketing across different social channels!
So take off your brand brain and think like your COMMUNITY!
Ask me any questions you have below or dm me 💜 I'm here to help!
Aspy Pitts
How to create native content!
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