Corporate2Coach Academy
Private group
1k members
Imagine breaking free from the corporate grind and stepping into a role where your passion for fitness transforms lives every day. That dream is closer than you think. I'm inviting you, the ambitious corporate professional, to join our exclusive Corporate2Coach Free Community. Here's what awaits you:
📚 $5,000 Worth of Mini-Courses, Absolutely Free: Dive into a wealth of knowledge designed to propel you from corporate life to fitness coaching success without spending a dime.
📞 Monthly Calls With Me: Every month, you'll have the opportunity to join a call with me, where I'll share insights, answer your questions, and keep you motivated on your journey.
🤝 A Community of Like-Minded Professionals: You're not alone. Join a network of corporate professionals who share your ambition and are making the leap to online fitness coaching.
And there's more:
Join our community and start your transformation from Corporate to Coach.
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Corporate2Coach Academy
The Corporate2Coach Academy group is designed to help unfulfilled corporate professional get their first 3-5 online fitness clients in 30-45 days.
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