Jul 30 (edited) in 31 P's
You become who you hang around...
If you hang around 5 millionaires, you become the 6th.
Because you THINK like the people you hang around - and you become what you think about.
Physical proximity around successful people is the ultimate shortcut to becoming successful in any field.
As a kid, I would skateboard with all my friends everyday.
And then one of my friends switched neighborhoods and started skateboarding with some of the best kids in the country.
When we met up with him later summer to skateboard, he was SO MUCH BETTER THAN US.
The power of proximity is not often talked about, but it has an immediate and powerful effect on us.
If you take any poor man and put him in a room of 5 rich men, and you let him hang out with them long enough, he will become rich!
I've never met someone who hung around successful people and didn't become more successful themselves as a direct result.
Research shows that your net worth will be determined most not by your job, not by your skills, but by your ZIP CODE!
That ZIP CODE you had growing up is the largest predictor of your riches because it determines what kind of people you hang around.
Action Item: Write a list of at least 5 people you want to interact with daily and then comment: "DONE!" below when you've done it.
Then think about how you can get closer to them.
Here are 5 ways that have worked for me:
  1. I joined and contributed to their free community. I did this with Sam Ovens (founder of Skool) then I hopped on a 5 hour Zoom call with him… then he invited me to California to work at the office. I'm typing this now sitting 2 ft away from him.
2. I became their customer. I did this with Mike Arnstein, then flew out to Hawaii and hung out with him for a week. Then he flew out to Thailand to see me for a week.
3. I flew out and attended their events. I did this with Mike Posner. I flew out to Iceland and hung out with him & his mom for a week.
4. I hired them for private coaching. I did this with a popular YouTuber named Captain Sinbad.
5. I interviewed them for my podcast. I did this with triathlon world champion, Craig Alexander.
⚡️Action Item: Write a list of at least 5 people you want to interact with daily and then comment: "DONE!" below when you've done it.
Complete action
Ted Carr
You become who you hang around...
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A cooperative multiplayer game where players collaborate to start and grow an online business to $5,000/month or more using Skool.
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