Nov '23 in 31 P's
What PAIN are you helping people alleviate?
If you can clearly articulate the pain someone is going through right now, they’ll automatically assume you have the solution they need and will want to buy from you NOW.
Because humans will do more to move away from pain than you will to move towards pleasure.
If I woke you up at 3am and said “Hey let’s go eat your favourite food and play your favourite video game!” you’d tell me to go away.
But if I woke you up at 3am and said “Hey, your house is on fire!” You’d get out of bed and have all the energy in the world to stay alive.
Everyone else is the same.
We’re wired for survival.
And pain is close to death.
So, what are the biggest pain points people experience from this problem?
Write a list of at least 10 pain points that you know for sure people are experiencing as a result of this problem.
Here are a couple more questions to help you get clearer:
What pain did you used to experience?
What are the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th order of consequences that result from the problem? (These are like the side effects... These are what make the problem so bad!)
Here are some Examples
Problem: Being overweight
Pains associated with being overweight:
  1. Embarrassed to take off my shirt at the beach.
  2. Can never get good photos worth posting on social media.
  3. Can’t fit into my favourite clothes.
  4. Friends make fun of me.
  5. Women/Men don’t want to date me.
  6. I have to pay for diabetes medication.
  7. I’m insecure about going out in public.
  8. Can’t fit in airplane seats.
Remember: If you can clearly articulate the pain someone is probably going through right now, they’ll automatically assume you have the solution they need.
Ted Carr
What PAIN are you helping people alleviate? (FREE)
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