Dec '24 in General
The 9 Levels to This Game... 💰
Making money online is a multi player game with 9 levels.
At each level, you will face problems and must develop the skills to overcome them.
None of are are born with these skills.
We must develop them through study, practice, and feedback.
This is why we suggest studying our course material, practicing with accountability partners, and getting feedback from us on our weekly feedback calls!
Here are the 9 levels to this game:
Level 1: Your beta client.
You need to find someone who you can coach for free for some practice.
Level 2: Your offer.
If you want to sell high ticket, you need to figure out what BIG 4 END RESULT you're going help people achieve.
If you want to sell low ticket, you need to figure out what the topic of your $9-49/month membership is going to be.
Level 3: Your content.
You need to either write or video record helpful content that makes people want to read/watch.
Level 4: Your conversations.
You need to strike up conversations with people in your audience.
Level 5: Your closing.
Level 6: Your results.
You need to get results for your paying clients/members so they give you a kick ass testimonial.
Level 7: Your retention.
You need to keep people happy for life so they don't churn on you.
With 0% churn, you can get to a point where you never need to make another sale again in your life because you're making $30,000/month from 1,000 people paying you $30/month.
Level 8: Your exit.
You can now retire with a large % of the profits still going to you because you've sold most of your 'shares' in your business to an outside investor or business partner.
Level 9: Your next chapter in life.
You start something new with all the money you've made from your first successful business.
If you'd like 1 on 1 help from me/my team with getting from Level 1 to Level 7 ASAP, just DM me with the word: "HELP" and we can hop on Zoom and work together through all the levels like I've done with a lot of these Success Stories...
Ted Carr
The 9 Levels to This Game... 💰 (FREE)
A cooperative multiplayer game where players collaborate to start and grow an online business to $5,000/month or more using Skool.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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