What does consulting mean to you?
There's a huge misconception when it comes to consulting, mostly that consulting is:
  • Selling to BIG companies 馃檮
While a part of consulting is working with companies (and can be hugely profitable), consulting is far more than this.
Consulting is a lifestyle and one I've enjoyed for 14+ years.
Yes, I've consulted for hundreds of companies around the world, but mostly I've consulted for individuals in my specific expertise.
You see, you might be a beauty therapist and feeling massively overwhelmed and like you're undercharging.
Meanwhile, becoming a 'skin consultant' to your client means you can:
  • Charge significantly more
  • Work with less clients and create a far bigger transformation
  • Become the authority in your specific niche
This is the power of consulting and the quick video below explains all of this in more detail.
If you're new to the group, welcome.
If you've been here a little while, you're going to love what we've got in store for 2025.
It's time to become the consultant to your client and enjoy the freedom that comes with it.
Pete Scott
What does consulting mean to you?
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