Live Consultation Mastery [Recording]
"To charge thousands per client, your consultation must look, act and feel like a thousand dollar consultation".
Imagine, your consultation is so good, your client is willing to pay you purely for the:
  • Deep insights and AHA moments you provide
  • Breakthroughs the client has within the consultation
  • Complete shift in how they think about the problem they want to solve
If you haven't MASTERED the consultation within your business yet, then you're literally saying NO to tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands per year in additional revenues through your business.
  • Experts (and consultants) can deliver a life changing consultation
My guarantee to you, this 60 minute consultation mastery workshop, will shift entirely how you think and feel about your consultation.
2025 is your year to play a bigger game.
And it all starts with the consultation.
Here is it, step by step.
Make sure you share your insights and AHA moments below.
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Pete Scott
Live Consultation Mastery [Recording]
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