Apr '23 (edited) in Introductions
Hello beautiful souls! ✿
My name is Adera (uh•dare•uh), meaning “she who gives life”, which is why “shewhogiveslife” is the name of my Instagram platform! I hail from Seattle, Washington but desire to be based abroad by the end of this year.
I’m a fine art model, commercial, film and voiceover actress, but I’m evolving rapidly as we speak! I struggle with describing what I “do”. I’ve always been creative and above all consider myself an Artist of Life. I write (mostly journaling and lengthy Instagram captions that people love, but I’m working on an ebook about solitude right now and want to start a blog or substack soon!), and I just led my first-ever group program for women called The 21-Day Bloom Program (you can read about it here https://elegant-toast-832.myflodesk.com).
The wild success of The Bloom program lit a fire in me and opened my eyes to how ready I am to expand @shewhogiveslife beyond just a social media platform into a legitimate, official business, so part of why I’ve joined this community is to learn how to do that! I’m hoping to crystallize my niche, gain an understanding of systems, and more. The vision of my dream life is SO ALIVE in my heart (working from wherever I travel, dancing everywhere I go, making friends all over the world, having ample time to care for my body, having ample time to make art, experiencing a divine, fulfilling, romantic relationship), I don’t want to waste another moment denying myself of it! On top of that, I know I’m meant to facilitate more transformations and am eager to get a foundation built so I can serve others to the best of my ability and make good money doing so.
I’m excited to join this community and look forward to getting to know and grow alongside you all while taking advantage of the plethora of resources Giulia is so generously offering us here!
Thank you Giulia for creating this space, I’ve come into it at the most PERFECTLY divine time and am immensely grateful for what you are fostering through this platform! ♡
Big Love to you All,
Adera 🦋
Adera Gandy
Hello beautiful souls! ✿
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